
Veterans Service Home

  • Photograph of the Administrative Building

    Welcome to Columbia County Veteran Service Office

  •  Photograph of the flag display case outside the Veteran's Service Office

Our Mission:

Provide veterans and their families with benefits counseling, claims assistance, and/or referrals, in all Federal, State, & Local veterans programs.

Suicide Prevention:

If you or someone you know is thinking about harming themself, say, “I’m going to get some help,” and Dial 988 , Then Press "1" for Veterans.  Click Here for Confidential Veterans Online Chat

Homeless Veterans:

The National Call Center for Homeless Veterans hotline offers Veterans who are homeless or at risk for homelessness 24/7 access to trained counselors. The hotline offers information and assistance to Veterans and their families and others who work with or simply want to support our nation’s Veterans.
Call: 1-877-424-3838

DAV Transport to VA Hospital:

(Call:  608-772-4761)
DAV Van Program

Vet Center:

(Toll Free: 877-927-8387)
Combat Veterans Services

Calendar Graphic

Wisconsin State Benefits

Columbia County Veterans Newsletter

Local Benefits

Federal Benefits

Education Graphic