Welcome to the Land Information Department Website! The Land Information Department was established by the Columbia County Board of Supervisors to coordinate the modernization of land records and to maximize the effective development, maintenance, and use of share geographic and land information system resources in Columbia County. The department is responsible for the following functions:
City/Village Address Notification Form
Tax Bill Mailing Address Change Request
Request to Combine Tax Parcels/Bills
Request to Split Tax Parcels/Bills
Chapter 7 - Fees, County Code of Ordinances
WI DOA Statewide Parcel Map Initiative
WI SCO Survey Control Finder
USDA NRSC Web Soil Survey
WPLS Original Field Notes & Plat Map
WI DOR Guide for Property Owners
WI Department of Natural Resources On-line Maps
WI DNR Private Forest Lands Open for Public Recreation
WI DOA Intergovernmental Relations
WI State Cartographer's Office
FEMA Flood Map Service Center
US Census Bureau
Department FAQs
Email: land.information@columbiacountywi.gov
Email: jrgrothman@grothman.com
We want to hear from you!
Please let us know if you have questions or comments about the Land Information Department website or suggestions on how to improve our service to you.
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