
Informational Brochures

The information given in these brochures is not all inclusive. Please contact Planning & Zoning staff with specific questions regarding your project.

Conditional Use Permit Brochure

Description: Steps and information to obtain a Conditional Use Permit.

Conditional Use Permit Brochure: Tourist Rooming House

Description: Steps and information to obtain a Conditional Use Permit for a Tourist Rooming House.

Emergency Response Number Brochure

Description: Steps and information to obtain an Emergency Response Number/Fire Number.

Impervious Surfaces Brochure

Description: Supplemental handout regarding Impervious Surface limitations.

Please also see Shoreland and Mitigation.

Mitigation Brochure

Description: Supplemental handout regarding Mitigation requirements.

Please also see Impervious Surfaces and Shoreland.

New Home Construction Brochure

Description: Steps and information required to build a new home.

Plan Amendment Brochure

Description: Steps and information required to obtain a Plan Amendment.

Rezoning Brochure

Description: Steps and information required to rezone your property.

Rezoning: A-1 to RR-1 Brochure

Description: Supplemental handout to "Rezoning Brochure" with an emphasis on how to construct a home with 35 acres.

Shoreland Brochure

Description: General Shoreland Ordinance information.

Please also see Impervious Surfaces and Mitigation.

Variance Brochure

Description: Reviews the legal standards for a variance, and the steps involved in applying for one.

Zoning District Brochure

Description: Zoning Districts overview.