Wisconsin Statutes (Chapter 92.10) requires each county to prepare a LWRM plan as a condition of state grants through the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP). This new planning process was adopted in October of 1997. It is intended to be more comprehensive by including local citizen input into the County's local natural resource management issues. Through Wisconsin Act 27 (1997-1999 Biennial Budget Bill), Chapter 92 of the Wisconsin Statutes was amended, requiring counties to develop land and water resource management plans. The intent of this change is to foster and support a locally led process that improves decision-making, streamlines administrative and delivery mechanisms, and better utilizes local, state, and federal funds to protect Wisconsin's land and water resources. Columbia County Board of Supervisors approved the Plan, Resolution No. 15-99.
The Plan was approved unanimously by the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Board. Implementation involves landowners signing cost-share agreements and installing recommended conservation practices that meet technical standards before receiving cost-share dollars. Cost-share rates range from 50-70% depending on the practice. Priority Practices are:
- Well Abandonment
- Manure Storage Abandonment
- Grassed Waterways (delivering to wetlands/water)
- Intensive (rotational grazing) management
- Livestock watering facilities in conjunction with streambank pasturing
- Diversions (clean water around barnyards) and roof gutters
- Nutrient Management Plans
- Conservation Tillage (No-till emphasis)
- Contour Farming
- Contour strip cropping