
Cannabis Eradication and Suppression Effort

Cannabis Eradication & Suppression Effort

The Columbia County Sheriff’s Office is an active member agency involved in the CEASE program. The Cannabis Eradication and Suppression Effort (CEASE) is a law enforcement program directed at the reduction of cultivated and non-cultivated marijuana throughout the State of Wisconsin. The CEASE program is focused on supporting federal, state and local law enforcement agencies in order to curb marijuana cultivation, distribution and use.

The primary goal of the CEASE program is to augment local law enforcement efforts in locating indoor and outdoor marijuana grow operations and arrest of those responsible. CEASE also provides support for the eradication of non-cultivated, wild marijuana. CEASE program management compiles statewide statistics, intelligence data and distributes funds to be used for the investigation and eradication of domestic marijuana grows. Reports on CEASE activity are prepared and forwarded to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and law enforcement throughout Wisconsin.

Agencies involved in the CEASE program are individual Sheriff’s Departments, Drug task Forces, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Forest Service, and Civil Air Patrol. The division of Narcotics Enforcement is responsible for program management, which is funded by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and directly supported by the Wisconsin National Guard Drug Control Program.

For more information e-mail or call
Captain David Clark or the Sheriff's Office at
(608) 742-4166