Lifesaving Award
- Olivia Lee for actions on July 8, 2019 resulting in saving of human life
- Deputy Tyler Henriksen for actions on July 20, 2019 resulting in saving of human life
- Sergeant David Clark and Sergeant Michael Schultz for actions on July 11, 2019 resulting in saving of human life
Problem Solving Award
- Sergeant Elisabeth Schutz, Lieutenant Brian Kjorlie, and Lieutenant Matthew Menard for problem solving during the implementation of Spillman
Meritorious Conduct Medal
- Chief Deputy Gregory Bisch, Meritorious Conduct for the investigation of a Homicide
- Sergeant Alexander Agnew, Meritorious Conduct for the investigation of a Homicide
Medal of Valor
- Sergeant Christopher Weber for extraordinary acts of bravery/heroism in performant of his duty on June 24, 2019
20 Years Of Service Award